Live Read Scripts

Feel free to have your own talent record these scripts for your media.

Choose from two professionally made 30 second radio scripts. 1-in-7 American adults (30 million) suffer from Chronic Kidney Disease. You can provide them with a place to find a life saving organ transplant by reading our live scripts. Will you help us?

SCRIPT FOR RADIO PSA#1 (30 seconds)

There are lots of social networking websites, but one saves lives. It's… linking organ donors with people in need of kidney and other transplants. In the U.S. 22 people die each day waiting for an organ transplant …most waiting for kidneys. If you've considered becoming a living organ donor or if you're someone in need of an organ transplant visit Home of the greatest gift of all…. the gift of life.

SCRIPT FOR RADIO PSA#2 (30 seconds)

Did you know that 22 Americans die each day waiting for organ transplants? Most of them for kidneys? The good news is that is helping to change that. Linking organ donors with people in need of kidney and other transplants. And now you don't need to donate a kidney to save a life. Donate your boat, car or real estate and get a great tax deduction while helping to save lives. Visit or call 800-385-0422.